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  1. Kwi-Hae Kim

    Does anyone know how to convert a line drawing into a g-code path?  What I would like to do is play around with printing a lattice made up of lines.  I would like to play around with printing by varying the thickness of each lattice members- which is something I wish I can do by playing around with the g-code generator and not a water tight 3D geometry.  Would be great if someone has an idea.  Thanks.

  2. Kwi-Hae Kim

    Also, I heard that the slicer Simplify3D is on our buy list.  When are we getting it?

  3. Kalle

    Kwi-Hae Kim Perhaps you can use Openscad to import 2D DXF and extrude it to 3D. I used Inkscape and Openscad to make some cookie cutters. Or you can use it to generate a lattice in 3D with a programmed Openscad module ( without a 2D drawing before)




  4. Kwi-Hae Kim

    Kalle, I think what I have in mind is something different.  

    What I would like to do is print this model composed of only lines.  I would like to try printing this several times, each time varying the thickness of the members.  Can I do this with Openscad?



  5. Fabian Hesse

    yes it was a long time ago decided at mitgliederversammlung/plenum that we buy simplify3d - it just seems nobody did it yet - do you want to do it? maybe ask matthias for the payment conditions - and also there´s a good chance to ak the simplify3d guys if they are able to make a reduction for us as we do bildungsarbeit...

  6. Kwi-Hae Kim

    Fabian Hesse, I will write to Matthias. 

    See you tomorrow.

  7. Kalle

    Kwi-Hae Kim You definitely can design it new in Openscad, this type of repeating structure is a typical use of Openscad. Often it will calculate the stl data very slow, depending on resolution of roundings etc.

    If you know how to program in a procedural language like C, you can use Openscad within some minutes. If you have no programming experience this tool may be not the right thing for you.

    How do you want to print it? This type of structure could need very much of support structure if done with FDM printers like Ultimaker. And the support parts in the middle will be hard to remove. If you want a really good print, this will be a job for other types of 3d-printers, for example laser sintering.

  8. Felix Tymcik

    Another idea is to find the setting for print-to-air, meaning the temperature has to be just high enough to squeeze the filament out and harden instantly at very low printing speed, with fan turned on. But connections between lines will be a challenge, I guess it's either-or.

  9. Kresimir Dulic

    simplify3d  is already installed on one of the PCs at our lounge area. Ask Matthias, on which one. 

  10. Fabian Hesse

    Simplify3D is installed on the CAD-PC in the seminar room, next to the door to the workshop.

  11. Andreas Zielke

    Kann mir jemand sagen, wie viel Spiel ich bei Achsen lassen sollte, damit sich zwei auf einem Ulti+ gedruckte Teile (ohne Lager) halbwegs leicht gegeneinander drehen lassen?

    Ich habe in meinem Modell bei einer 8mm (Durchmesser) Achse mal auf jeder Seite 0,5 mm zugegeben und eine 9mm (Durchmesser) Öffnung vorgesehen - vermute aber, dass das mehr als reichlich sein dürfte.

    Über Tipps und Hinweise würde ich mich freuen.